TypeScript vs JavaScript

There has long been a debate amongst us, developers about which is better out of TypeScript and JavaScript, and I find this particularly interesting considering the vast similarities between the two languages.
JavaScript has been used for web development projects for a long time now as the most popular scripting language for many web projects.
TypeScript is essentially a superset of JavaScript and offers a number of additional features to developers and is more heavily used in client-side. It is also a highly lightweight coding language when compared to JavaScript, as JavaScript was designed for use with bigger applications.
JavaScript + more features = Typescript.
I have spoken to developers who prefer JavaScript as it offers a much faster coding option, and they say that TypeScript takes much longer to compile the code. Then on the same note, the developers who prefer TypeScript emphasise that it is far simpler, reusable, and cleaner than JavaScript.
In my opinion, when all things are considered, TypeScript is better used when building huge projects as it is simpler and more consistent, and JavaScript is preferable when working on smaller coding projects.
let us understand what each language looks like!