Hey! I would like to show you an easy way to delete any data from your database using a terminal. I will show you in the example of my app: Construction Manager. My App has back-end Ruby on Rails and front-end React. The app allows me to create the meeting but I can not delete it from the frontend. I did not create a delete button.
Have a look!
Let’s create a meeting clicking a button “ADD MEETING” and …
… fill in the needed information.
We are going to create the meeting by clicking the button “CREATE MEETING”, which will show up on the page straight away.
Let’s go back to our database. Go to your terminal, find the directory where is your backend and go to console using command rails c.
By running the command Meeting.all we are going to see all meetings in our database.
To see the last created meeting we need to run Meeting.last
Now we need to name that meeting following the line below. In our case, the meeting calls meeting_to_delete.
Now we can use the name meeting_to_delete to identify the object(our meeting) and use function destroy to delete the meeting from the database. You can notice now that, Meeting.last is not anymore meeting_to_delete. This is my way to double-check if we permanently deleted the object.
Let’s back to our front-end to check if the meeting is not there anymore…
Viola!!! All done correctly :)